On 26th August 2021 the Government launched its back-to-school campaign to set out the experience that students can ‘get back to’ from September.
As well as outlining that testing will remain an important part of keeping young people safe and the ease in restrictions to bubbles will allow a full return to group activities, the campaign revealed schools will be expected to continue offering immediate access to remote education where pupils test positive for the virus and need to isolate.
Grant funding will be available for schools who provide internet connections to help disadvantaged pupils who may need to learn remotely. Schools can claim up to £75 over three months to provide mobile dongles or broadband routers for pupils.
4G Dongles previously provided by the Department for Education can still be used with a 4G SIM-only* service from Schools Broadband.
Our mobile filtering and SIM-only service is designed exclusively for education, providing a safe and filtered learning environment for student home-learning.
Protecting both students and staff from inappropriate online content, the service supports schools’ Prevent Duty compliance and KCSIE duties through its easy to use, built-in monitoring, reporting and alert functions.
*On the basis that the dongle is unlocked. Instructions available from the DfE.
Click here for full DfE Back To School campaign details
Find out more: https://www.schoolsbroadband.co.uk/our-services/connectivity/4g-mobile-broadband/
To discuss any of the services mentioned, simply get in touch
or call us on 01133 222 333 (Option 3).