Transparent Telemetry

Manage service level performance diagnostics & bandwidth planning

Key Benefits

  • As pioneers in the industry, Schools Broadband is now delivering total transparency to its customers on live and historic service level performance through our new telemetry service.
  • Customers and partners can take advantage of access to our vast data lake of information, providing powerful insights into the performance of every service your school or Multi Academy Trust receives from Schools Broadband.
  • With the ability to view all aspects of your service performance, accurate capacity, bandwidth, and budgetary planning is now fully achievable. Basic diagnostics can also be carried out directly in the Schools Broadband Hub, allowing Support Partners and Network Managers to troubleshoot remotely, ensuring even better service performance.
  • Access all areas of your Schools Broadband supplied network hardware, including device logging and monitoring.
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01133 222 333

or click here to get in touch.

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  • Transparent and live monitoring of circuit uptime, latency, utilisation, jitter and hardware syslog and events shows the precise performance of your equipment and connectivity circuit, all in one place.
  • Diagnostic tools allow remote troubleshooting, swiftly identifying location point and cause of issue.
  • Custom timeframes enable real-time and historic telemetry statistics on an individual port basis, as well as specific days, providing transparency of service assurance.
  • Plan and budget accurately using historic bandwidth and capacity data.
Contact Us
For more information please call

01133 222 333

or click here to get in touch.


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