Safeguarding Management

Real-time alerts support the management of online pupil behaviour 

Key Benefits

  • The Incident Management Platform moves a step beyond standard filtering services, providing real-time alerts to staff when children are at risk of viewing harmful content.
  • Provides schools with critical support to identify online incidents, and integrate the management of digital pupil behaviour with offline pastoral care.​
  • Providing real-time alerts on keyword searches and harmful sites of interest, the platform enables staff to identify concerns and trends, share information and intervene immediately where required.
  • With the ability to distinguish between mis-typed innocent searches and searches that are a cause for concern, the Incident Management Platform provides clear visibility on search frequency, spikes and trends for individuals and whole schools.
  • Supports KCSiE and Prevent Duty compliance.
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01133 222 333

or click here to get in touch.

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  • Instant Real-Time Alerts – Set up alerts based on configured keyword lists: including various partner agency lists, e.g. NCA, Ofcom, IWF.
  • Configure Alerts for specific keywords, phrases and sites outside of the pre-configured lists.
  • Alert Triggers – Based on a single word or phrase match, change in frequency, spikes in usage, or new terms.
  • Alert Channels – Receive alerts via e-mail, Teams, or Slack depending on your preference.
Contact Us
For more information please call

01133 222 333

or click here to get in touch.


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