Safeguarding, Filtering and Security
Affordable, higher grade hosted security, web filtering and safeguarding
Through our unique partnership with world-leading security provider Fortinet and our industry-leading filtering and safeguarding solutions, we provide schools, Multi Academy Trusts and Local Authorities with some of the most advanced protection and monitoring available.
Select an option from our Safeguarding, Filtering and Security solutions below for more information, or get in touch for pressure-free advice from our friendly team.
An all-in-one service combining firewalls, antivirus, ransomware protection and more
Real-time alerts support the management of online pupil behaviour with pastoral care
Education-specific content filtering to support your school’s Prevent Duty compliance
Download our
Monitor Microsoft Teams for inappropriate messages and images using A.I based visual threat detection
Prevent Duty
Trusted by over
2,500 customers
“From a security perspective, the single most impressive feature of the Schools Broadband hosted firewall service, is the amount of control we have of it on site… we have almost as much control as if we owned the firewall on-site. If we had to ring support every time we wanted a policy change, it would be a non-starter.”
David Ryder, IT Director