January 2021: Activate Safe Remote Learning For Your School Or MAT

Following on from the Government’s recent announcement of school closures (as of 4th January 2021), we’d like to assure you that we’re here to provide support; ensuring your students are able to work remotely and securely.

We’re equipped to ensure that essential learning can still take place whether it be through our 4G and 5G mobile broadband service, Next Generation Fortigate Firewalls (NGFW) or Homeworker Phone Systems. Our 4G and 5G mobile service provides the same level of filtering as our standard broadband connections and dongles can be delivered within just 48 hours.

We provide safe, filtered broadband access to approximately 3000 vulnerable and disadvantaged students, protecting them from unacceptable online content at home.

For more information or to set up a safe remote learning environment for your school, contact us on: 0113 222 333 (Option 3) or get in touch.

Read on for more detailed information on our Filtered 4G and 5G Broadband Service, Next Generation Firewalls and Homeworker Systems…

4G and 5G Mobile Broadband

The Schools Broadband 4G and 5G mobile broadband service provides the same level of filtering as our standard broadband connections. Unlike a standard 4G connection, this education specific service provides real time user reports for management of pupil and staff online activity for safeguarding and Prevent Duty compliance. Features and benefits include:

  • Provision with USB dongle or Mi-Fi Router or with Sim only for compatible iPads & Chromebooks
  • From 1GBps of data to unlimited usage
  • Supports Prevent Duty compliance
  • Simple 30 day rolling contracts available
  • Rapid 48-hour delivery

So your students can be up and running in just a couple of days.

Fortigate Next Generation Firewalls (NGFW)

Our purpose-built Fortigate Next Generation Firewalls (NGFW) and cybersecurity processors, ensure top-rated protection, as well as high-performance inspection of clear-texted and encrypted traffic when working remotely. Our firewalls are configured with built-in support for IPsec and SSL Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) as recommended for schools by the National Cyber Security Centre.

This enables remote workers to connect securely to the school’s network. Most Schools Broadband customers already have the existing technology to support this functionality. To activate this or to find out more contact us or call 01133 222 333 – Option 3.

Homeworker Phone Systems

The “My School Phone” hosted phone system lets school staff answer incoming calls from any location or any mobile phone; a critical communications service during the current national lockdown. Whether or not you are an existing Schools Broadband customer, this service can be “bolted” on to your existing phone service, enabling staff to answer or make calls from home or on any personal mobile device.

The service provides a hosted telephony platform that enables diverted calls to be answered, at any location, with or without internet access. Where internet access is not available, a mobile phone app can be downloaded to either Apple or Android devices. The app enables staff to answer school calls on their own devices, and then as with any phone system, transfer the call, or ask the caller to leave a voicemail message.

Set-up of the service can be in as little as three to four working days. Calls made from personal mobiles will not be charged to the mobile account.

To discuss any of the services mentioned, simply get in touch or call us on 01133 222 333 (Option 3).