KCSIE Safeguarding Requirements

KCSiE: Summary of Changes to Requirements for Online Safety in Schools

  • Appropriate filters and monitoring systems should be in place and their effectiveness regularly reviewed
  • Leadership teams and relevant staff need to have an awareness and understanding of the provisions in place, be able to manage them effectively and know how to escalate concerns when identified
  • Governing bodies and proprietors should consider the age range of their children, the number of children and how often they access the IT system
  • Contact Schools Broadband to discuss how our world-leading hosted web filtering service can keep your school compliant. 01133 222 333 (#3)
Mobile Phones

  • Schools should have a clear policy on the use of mobile and smart technology.
  • This should consider how schools manage unrestricted access to the internet via mobile phone networks and the potential for mobile devices to be used whilst on the school premises for bullying, sexual harassment and sharing of harmful content etc.
Role of the designated safeguarding lead and online safety

  • Governing bodies should ensure schools appoint an appropriate staff member as their designated safeguarding lead. (DSL)
  • The DSL should have the relevant knowledge and capability to keep children safe whilst they are online at school.
  • The Schools Broadband web filtering service provides dynamic reports and safeguarding alerts for DSLs. Contact us to find out more: 01133 222 333 (#3)

Read the full KCSIE 2022 document here.